
Sep 23, 20223 min

The ASG Weekly Leaf: 9/23/22

The Weekly Leaf

This week, Vladimir Putin announced a 'partial mobilization' of Russian reserve troops, anti-regime protests broke out across Iran, and the United Nations General Assembly met in New York.

Read more below.

The 2022 Aspen Security Forum: D.C. Edition

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Registration will open in mid-October.

This Week’s Content Highlights

Features from Aspen Strategy Group Members

Michael Froman quoted by Fintech and Finance News: "Mastercard and Ecobank Group Partner to Digitize Agricultural Value Chains in Africa and Empower Millions of Smallholder Farmers Through Digital and Financial Inclusion"

David Ignatius for The Washington Post: "The U.N. is Getting Ukraine Surprisingly Right"

Joseph Nye interviewed by Ahn Ho-young at the World Knowledge Forum: "America's Leadership in a Divided World"

William Perry for The Outrider: "How the U.S. Lost Russia—and How We Can Restore Relations"

David Petraeus interviewed by Jim Sciutto for CNN: "Ex-CIA Director Predicts ‘Terrible, Painful Retreat’ for Russia"

Penny Pritzker and Ken Chenault interviewed by Brendan Vaughan for Fast Company: "Two of the Brightest Minds in Business Talk AI, Infrastructure, and the Economic Outlook for 2023"

David Rubenstein interviewed Jake Sullivan for BloombergTV

David Sanger, Jim Tankersley, and Farnaz Fassihi for The New York Times: "Biden Condemns Russia as Threat to the World in U.N. Speech"

Tweet of the Week

Things to Know

Content Relevant to Aspen Security Forum Discussions

Nicholas Eberstadt and Evan Abramsky for Foreign Affairs: "America’s Education Crisis Is a National Security Threat"

Aaron Friedberg interviewed by David Barboza for The Wire China: "What the U.S. Got Wrong About China"

Maximillian Hess for Foreign Policy: "Russia Can’t Protect Its Allies Anymore"

Sha Hua and Karen Hao for The Wall Street Journal: "U.S.-China Tensions Fuel Outflow of Chinese Scientists from U.S. Universities"

Kana Inagaki and Leo Lewis for the Financial Times: "Japan Intervenes to Prop Up Yen for First Time Since 1998"

Tim Lister and Nick Paton Walsh for CNN: "Putin Is Trying to Raise the Stakes in Ukraine. Here’s What It Means"

Shira Rubin for The Washington Post: "Israel and Turkey’s Leaders Meet at U.N. After Years of Tension"

Weronika Strzyżyńska for The Guardian: "Iran Blocks Capital’s Internet Access as Amini Protests Grow"

Janet Yellen for The Atlantic: "Economic Growth Is Essential. So Is Resilience."

Book of the Week

Command: The Politics of Military Operations

from Korea to Ukraine

By Lawrence Freedman

"Command in war is about forging effective strategies and implementing them, making sure that orders are appropriate, well-communicated, and then obeyed. But it is also an intensely political process. This is largely because how wars are fought depends to a large extent on how their aims are set. It is also because commanders in one realm must possess the ability to work with other command structures, including those of other branches of the armed forces and allies. In Command, Lawrence Freedman explores the importance of political as well as operational considerations in command with a series of eleven vivid case studies, all taken from the period after 1945. Over this period, the risks of nuclear escalation led to a shift away from great power confrontations and towards civil wars, and advances in communication technologies made it easier for higher-level commanders to direct their subordinates...

A wide-ranging and insightful history of the changing nature of command in the postwar era, this will stand as a definitive account of a foundational concept in both military affairs and politics."

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