Aspen Strategy Group Releases a Call to Action on National Service
The Aspen Strategy Group has released a bipartisan statement calling for the renewal of America’s national service programs, following the discussions that took place during its annual Summer Workshop.
The statement, signed by leading foreign policy and national security experts across party lines, details the benefits of investing in a strong national service initiative which would help heal America’s domestic divisions while bolstering the nation’s pandemic response. As the document states, “America needs a renewed common purpose” and national service is an important investment in the future of our national security.
Read the full statement here.
This Week's Content Highlights
Features from Aspen Strategy Group Members
Sylvia Burwell on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell
Kurt Campbell and Stephen Hadley on Transition Lab podcast: “Steve Hadley and Kurt Campbell on National Security Transitions”
Ash Carter and Nicholas Thompson in Wired: “The Tech That's Championing the Public Good”
Anja Manuel in The Wire China: “China Memos for the Next President”
Joseph Nye in Foreign Policy: “COVID-19 Might Not Change the World”
Anne-Marie Slaughter and Stephen Walt in a Miller Center debate: “Democracy & Strategy: American Statecraft in the 21st Century”
James Steinberg in Chicago Council on Global Affairs discussion: “Decoupling or Recoupling US-China Relations”
Frances Townsend and Sylvia Burwell co-chair a Council on Foreign Relations report: “Improving Pandemic Preparedness: Lessons From COVID-19”
Robert Zoellick in The Wall Street Journal: “Trump Is Losing His New ‘Cold War’ with China”
Things to Know
Stay Informed with Important Analysis Relevant to Aspen Security Forum Discussions
CSIS survey: “Mapping the Future of U.S. China Policy: Views of U.S. Thought Leaders, the U.S. Public, and U.S. Allies and Partners"
The Guardian: “Russia Calls on Armenia and Azerbaijan to Respect Ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh”
Brad Lendon on CNN: “North Korea Unveils Massive New Ballistic Missile in Military Parade”
Anja Manuel in the Financial Times: “U.S., Europe, and UK Must Unite To Keep Chinese Tech At Bay”
John McLaughin on Ozy: “China: Charting a Course Between Conflict and Accommodation”
Charles Race in Navy Times: “The Navy Celebrates 245 Years of Service, But It Wasn’t Always Such A Sure Thing”
Marietje Schaake in Foreign Affairs: “The Lawless Realm: Countering the Real Cyberthreat”
Megan Specia and Matina Stevis-Gridneff in The New York Times: “World Food Program Awarded Nobel Peace Prize for Work During Pandemic”
Catherine Thorbecke on ABC News: “In History-Making First, the World Trade Organization Will Be Led by a Woman”
Upcoming Events
President Trump's National Security Agenda
with Robert O'Brien
National Security Advisor
Moderated by Stephen Hadley
Former National Security Advisor
Partner, Rice, Hadley, Gates & Manuel LLC
Introduction by Anja Manuel
Partner, Rice, Hadley, Gates & Manuel LLC &
Director, Aspen Strategy Group
Friday, October 16, 2020
9 – 10 a.m. ET
Aspen Strategy Group Cybersecurity Event
The Perfect Weapon
with David Sanger
National Security Correspondent and Senior Writer, The New York Times &
Author, The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage and Fear in the Cyber Age
and John Maggio
Director, HBO’s The Perfect Weapon
Moderated by Nicholas Burns
Goodman Family Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and
International Relations, Harvard Kennedy School &
Executive Director, Aspen Strategy Group
Global Tech Policy
with Anja Manuel
Partner, Rice, Hadley, Gates & Manuel LLC &
Director, Aspen Strategy Group
Friday, October 23, 2020
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Save the Date: Aspen Strategy Group Policy Book Launch
Domestic and International (Dis)Order: A Strategic Response
Thursday, October 29, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Join us for the launch of our latest book of strategic policy recommendations stemming from our conversations at the 2020 Aspen Strategy Group Summer Workshop.
This edition covers four themes: race, democracy, and political divisions in America; the state of U.S.-China relations; the global economic recession; and foreign policy priorities for 2021.
Program to be announced
By Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
Drawing us deep into an “other America,” the authors tell this story, in part, through the lives of some of the people with whom Kristof grew up, in rural Yamhill, Oregon. It’s an area that prospered for much of the twentieth century but has been devastated in the last few decades as blue-collar jobs disappeared.
About a quarter of the children on Kristof’s old school bus died in adulthood from drugs, alcohol, suicide, or reckless accidents. While these particular stories unfolded in one corner of the country, they are representative of many places the authors write about, ranging from the Dakotas and Oklahoma to New York and Virginia.
With their superb, nuanced reportage, Kristof and WuDunn have given us a book that is both riveting and impossible to ignore.
Partner Events
October 20 and 21 starting at 7 pm ET
Democracy takes work — but it’s empowering and joyful work that you can do as a part of your everyday life. Join us for this free, 2-night digital event celebrating an inclusive, nonpartisan view of civic engagement. We’ll talk about what happens before and after you vote. Elections may seem like all-important, do-or-die events, but they are just one part of the work that keeps our democracy functioning. We’ll show you how to engage in critical topics that will help ensure a future you want to live in.
Brought to you by the creators of the Aspen Ideas Festival.
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