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The ASG Weekly Leaf: 12/10/21


Illustration by Richard A. Chance

The Aspen Strategy Group was pleased to release its new policy publication

Democracy's Future: Abroad and at Home

in partnership with Democracy: A Journal of Ideas. These important pieces—launched immediately before the virtual Summit for Democracy this week—aim to help craft a strategy as America seeks to bolster democracy at this critical time.

Authors include: Michael Tomasky, Nicholas Burns, Anja Manuel, Michael J. Abramowitz, Danielle Allen, Kristen Soltis Anderson, Zoë Baird, Elizabeth Economy, Peter Feaver, Mark Malloch-Brown, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Anne-Marie Slaughter, Milan Vaishnav, and Amy Walter.


New Appointments

Congratulations to ASG Director Anja Manuel and ASG members Michèle Flournoy, Ash Carter, and Tom Donilon on their appointment to the Department of Defense's Defense Policy Board, chaired by fellow ASG member Madeleine Albright. See the full board here.

Congratulations also to Christoph Heusgen who will succeed Wolfgang Ischinger as Chairman of the Munich Security Conference. We look forward to our continued partnership.


In Memoriam

We mourn the loss of Fred Hiatt, longtime editor of The Washington Post and a friend of the Aspen Strategy Group who contributed to many of our convenings over the years. His leadership will be missed.


This Week’s Content Highlights

Features from Aspen Strategy Group Members

Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice spoke at the USGLC 2021 Tribute Celebration

Chris Coons in Foreign Affairs: "Peace Is Still Possible in Ethiopia"

David Ignatius in The Washington Post: “At the Ukrainian Border, Putin Stands on the Edge of a Precipice”

Anja Manuel on Bloomberg: “What China’s Tech Crackdown Means for U.S. Relations”

Joseph Nye in Project Syndicate: “What Really Matters in the Sino-American Competition?”

William Perry and Tom Collina in DefenseNews: “To Prevent Nuclear War, President Biden Should Listen to Vice President Biden”

Lawrence Summers on Bloomberg: “Summers Says Fed Should Raise Rates Four Times Next Year”

Philip Zelikow interviewed by the Niskanen Center: "How America Can Become a 'Can Do' Country Again with Philip Zelikow"

Robert Zoellick in Financial Times: "Joe Biden Must Build on His Dialogue with Xi Jinping"


Rising Leaders in the News

“[T]he supranational nature of the metaverse — where real-world borders become far less relevant — could revolutionize the way that individuals perceive and interact with nation-states. A failure to anticipate these possibilities may put the global world order at risk of being replaced by a virtual, and perhaps less virtuous, one.”

Read ASG Rising Leader Zoe Weinberg’s recent piece in The New York Times “The Metaverse is Coming, and the World Is Not Ready for It.”


ASG Rising Leader Erik Jacobs has joined the Global Taiwan Institute as an Adjunct Fellow, where he will have the opportunity to write on U.S.-Taiwan relations, technology supply chain issues, regional issues, and U.S.-Japan-Taiwan issues.


Tweet of the Week


Things to Know

Content Relevant to Aspen Security Forum Discussions

Graham Allison and Eric Schmidt in The Wall Street Journal: “China Will Soon Lead the U.S. in Tech”

Catie Edmondson in The New York Times: "House Passes $768 Billion Defense Policy Bill"

Todd Gitlin, Jeffrey Isaac, and William Kristol in The Bulwark: "President Biden Needs to Lead an American Democracy Campaign. Now."

Edward Luce in Financial Times: "Betting on Democracy: Biden's Big Idea for U.S. Foreign Policy"

Shivshankar Menon in Foreign Affairs: "How India and China Can Keep the Peace"


Book of the Week

Illustration by Richard A. Chance

The Aspen Strategy Group is proud to partner with Democracy: A Journal of Ideas on a special publication entitled Democracy’s Future: Abroad and at Home. Coming out of the discussions at the ASG’s annual meeting, our authors’ pieces aim to bolster democracy around the world and in the U.S. at this critical time.

We are pleased to have published these essays online ahead of the Summit for Democracy and look forward to releasing an expanded collection as a special print edition of Democracy in early 2022.

Contributors: Michael Tomasky, Nicholas Burns, Anja Manuel, Michael J. Abramowitz, Danielle Allen, Kristen Soltis Anderson, Zoë Baird, Elizabeth Economy, Peter Feaver, Mark Malloch-Brown, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Anne-Marie Slaughter, Milan Vaishnav, and Amy Walter.


Rising Leaders Applications Open

The Aspen Strategy Group has been strongly committed to cultivating the next generation of leaders in national security and foreign policy since its inception. Our Rising Leaders Program brings together young professionals from diverse backgrounds and sectors to exchange ideas with key decision makers, hone their leadership skills, and learn from experts in the field and each other.

The deadline to apply for the Class of 2022 is 9:00 AM (ET) on Monday, January 10, 2022.


Donate Now and Your Gift Will Be Matched

As part of Giving Tuesday, an ASG donor agreed to match up to $20,000 in donations to support our Rising Leaders Program!

We are pleased to share that the match has been extended through the end of the year!

Donate today to double your impact.


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