The Weekly Leaf
This week, Mikhail Gorbachev passed away at the age of 91, catastrophic flooding in Pakistan has affected 33 million people and caused more than 1,000 deaths, and IAEA inspectors visited the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine amid fighting.
Read more below.
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This Week’s Content Highlights
Features from Aspen Strategy Group Members
David Ignatius for The Washington Post: "Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Is More Than Just Bravado"
Sam Nunn, Ernest J. Moniz, and Ted Turner for the Nuclear Threat Initiative: "Statement from Co-Chairs on the Passing of Mikhail Gorbachev"
David Petraeus interviewed by David Westin for Bloomberg: "Ukraine Has Strategic Advantage Over Russia"
Condoleezza Rice interviewed by Tom Siebel for C3 AI: "AI and National Security"
David Sanger for The New York Times: "Russia’s Occupation of Nuclear Plant Gives Moscow a New Way to Intimidate"
Dan Sullivan and Daniel Twining for Foreign Affairs: "Only Bipartisanship Can Defeat Authoritarian Aggression"
Lawrence Summers and Alex Domash for Medium: "The Beveridge Curve Still Indicates Low Probability For a Soft Landing"
Tweet of the Week
Rising Leaders in the News
"CIRCIA’s [Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act] passage reflects the recognition that sharing timely and accurate cybersecurity threat information between the government and private sector is critical to U.S. national security."
ASG Rising Leader Mary Brooks ('22) and Sofia Lesmes for R Street: "By the Numbers: Parsing Cybersecurity Incident and Breach Reporting Requirements"
Things to Know
Content Relevant to Aspen Security Forum Discussions
Anne Applebaum for The Atlantic: "Gorbachev Never Realized What He Set in Motion"
Rahm Emmanuel for Nikkei Asia: "The U.S. Is Ready for the Next Era of Globalization"
Amaney Jamal and Adela Raz for the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs’ Dean's Dialogue: "Hope for Afghanistan"
Suriya Jayanti for Time: "Europe's Energy Crisis Is Going to Get Worse. The World Will Bear the Cost"
Marita Moloney for the BBC: "U.S. To Appoint its First Arctic Ambassador"
Uliana Pavlova, Olga Voitovych, Sarah Dean, Hannah Ritchie, and Tara John for CNN: "IAEA Inspectors Visit to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Marred by Shelling"
Kenneth Roth for Foreign Policy: "Africa Must Do Its Part to Break Ethiopia’s Abusive Tigray Siege"
Book of the Week

Edited By Maria Adele Carrai,
Jennifer Rudolph, and Michael Szonyi
"For decades Americans have described China as a rising power. That description no longer fits: China has already risen. What does this mean for the U.S.-China relationship? For the global economy and international security? Seeking to clarify central issues, provide historical perspective, and demystify stereotypes, Maria Adele Carrai, Jennifer Rudolph, and Michael Szonyi and an exceptional group of China experts offer essential insights into the many dimensions of the world’s most important bilateral relationship.
Ranging across questions of security, economics, military development, climate change, public health, science and technology, education, and the worrying flashpoints of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Xinjiang, these concise essays provide an authoritative look at key sites of friction and potential collaboration, with an eye on where the U.S.-China relationship may go in the future. Readers hear from leading thinkers such as James Millward on Xinjiang, Elizabeth Economy on diplomacy, Shelley Rigger on Taiwan, and Winnie Yip and William Hsiao on public health.
The voices included in The China Questions 2 recognize that the U.S.-China relationship has changed, and that the policy of engagement needs to change too. But they argue that zero-sum thinking is not the answer. Much that is good for one society is good for both―we are facing not another Cold War but rather a complex and contextually rooted mixture of conflict, competition, and cooperation that needs to be understood on its own terms."
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